Thursday 10 January 2008


"The Malaysian carmaker Proton has announced plans to develop an "Islamic car", designed for Muslim motorists.
Proton is planning on teaming up with manufacturers in Iran and Turkey to create the unique vehicle.

The car could boast special features like a compass pointing to Mecca and a dedicated space to keep a copy of the Koran and a headscarf. " (BBC News)

We ave ordured 6 of theese fer our Instertue outings & I ave advertised for a Mecca nic. Ala be praise.


e jus lik the Dark Lord in Star Wors cept no blu stuff fm is fingus.

Sundeep rekon is hat is new seekret wepon from the Dark Side but is lite saber not v gud.

Stil, wadevver elp im fite Satun & condums is gud innit?

Wednesday 2 January 2008


Presden Ahmedinnajaket mus be v prowd to ave such peasful kleriks as Gholum Reza Hassani on ees side. e say yestday.

“Women who do not respect the hijab and their husbands deserve to die, I do not understand how these women who do not respect the hijab, 28 years after the birth of the Islamic Republic, are still alive." “These women and their husbands and their fathers must die,”

go gholum. at instertue we not alow skimpy hedscarves or tite unislamic twowsers but we not allow unda icelandic law to kill em much as we like to.

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Presden Ahmedinnajacket

The presden as rung me. E sais is not befeittin ther staytus for the I-rainian stewdents to live in a koranavan an e wants them upgrayded. I tol im not to wurry coz they ave alreddy blow it up sperimentin with nu xsplosif jakets. We ave put em in the basemint for now.

I see Presden Ahmedinnajaket now as is own blog an it alus gud to begin a new yr with wise werds from sumwon so lurned in the Werd of God, Ala be prays. We ope e can bring lastin peas to is cuntree. This wot e rote other day.

"Many peoples are exasperated from the present situation of the world. And they have come to the conclusion that the existed procedure, method and technique can not provide tranquilly and peace to the mankind.

Frankly, if Jesus Christ – the Messiah (peace be upon Him) was present today, how would He react? And whom would He stand with and against?

If Jesus Christ (peace be upon Him) was present today, he would order an encounter against those who would propagate corruption, obscenity and perversion, and try to nullify and exterminate the merits and the rights of women and diminish their position – a position that virgin Mary (peace be upon Her) – is their role model and sample."

Gud innit? I ave sen im a tie so e can dress proply. Peas be upon im.

About Me

Professer of Celestial Astrotheology Hedmisteres of Instertue of the Werd: I is misterkal in me fishnets & I medertates lots but I is not fond of merhameds pants even tho I lives in them